On The Horizon

I kept seeing the light fight for more

The sun kept beating back against the darkness

Roaring with the tales of Apollo 

Blessed with the shine from God

The creator smiled at the fight

The light knew it’s presence was worth pushing 

The darkness continued to oppress

A chokehold of shadows and the other side of every unturned stone

The people looked across the fields

Up to witness the bout for what felt like the first time yet they knew it to be the umptenth time

One finger slipped

Then two 

Then three

Darkness began to worry 

For there was not a guarantee of its power for too much longer

It looked within and realized that rest would allow it to take ahold once more 

It began to recede

Slow and steady at first 

Then the light washed over all of which it laid claim 

Another day the people thought 

One day the darkness proclaimed 

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